If you are a student that is interested in addressing the harm and inequity caused by our criminal legal system, if you are a student who cares about justice and meaningful reform that can be felt in people's lives, you don't need to wait until after law school. The Center for Criminal Justice Reform based here at the law school has a mission to address the harm and inequity caused by the criminal legal system and to work on community-driven strategies to promote justice and healing and to in the process, support public safety in Baltimore and across the country. When I started out my search for which law schools I wanted to apply to, I knew that I was passionate about feminism and gender equality and UB kept popping up because of the Center on Applied Feminism. So I looked into the Center on Applied Feminism. I realized that students have amazing opportunities through the Center. I was connected with the co-director, Professor Margaret Johnson, and she's been an amazing mentor. So I'm super happy with my decision. So if there's anything that you are particularly interested in or passionate about, you can definitely watch that come to fruition here at UB.